Welcome to the Web Akari Documentation
This documentation has been written to guide users in tweaking the experience of the game and as a guideline for developers to follow when contributing to the project.
As you may have noticed, this documentation is built by a software called MkDocs, that lets you create beautiful pages using markdown, a very simple language. View the full documentation at mkdocs.org.
MkDocs Commands
The only command that you'll need while adding stuff to the documentation is the following:
mkdocs serve
- This will start the live-reloading docs server. You will see changes to the documentation live whenever you save a file.
Project layout (File structure)
# The Akari website
./client # The client-side website files
./server # The backend server application files (Flask)
# MkDocs
mkdocs.yml # The configuration file for MkDocs.
index.md # The documentation homepage.
... # Other markdown pages, images and other files.